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Some may call it a coincidence, and some may call it destiny, but either way I experienced a profoundly life- changing moment 11 years ago when I had the honor of meeting an incredible woman whose personal story would forever change my perspective on life, my belongings, and women who are experiencing life challenges. 

My tenure at the hospital was short-lived and I eventually went home: reunited with  my supporting and loving family and back to work. My new friend didn’t have the same privilege, she could not go home, because her “home” was in the Calgary Drop in Centre. Multiple rounds of chemo and radiation had compromised her immune system. Only able to maintain a liquid diet, Karen was down to a meagre 80 pounds. 

I had connected with Karen in a very special way, her strength her tenacity, and her kind heart, and I wanted to help her any way that I could. After sharing Karen’s story, with my cousin Betty, we were compelled to recruit a group of relatives, friends, and the design team at Decca Design. We organized a “Coming Home Party” for Karen to personalize her unit in an affordable housing project funded by the Calgary Drop In Centre. Generous donations and gifts fully furnished and decorated her apartment. We made her house a home!

But something was still missing. Something felt unfinished. We had played a small role in helping one woman who was in a precarious position with nowhere else to turn, but what about other women who are struggling and need HOPE? We were eager to establish a clear vision and continue to work with women facing challenging situations.

Early on Karen had taught me about the “stigma of the backpack”. Most of us go freely into stores and restaurants without ever being asked if our large purses can be checked or inspected. This is not the case for women who often carry all of their belongings in a backpack. Backpacks are frequently searched, and then tagged. It is humiliating, and just one more way that these women are stigmatized. 

However, as I mentioned, a woman’s purse is not inspected. So, Betty and I came up with the idea of collecting new or gently used purses, filling them with a few essentials and lots of “HOPE”. Then, distributing them through reputable social agencies. We are proud to partner with these agencies and social  workers who work so hard to give women the opportunity to move forward, offering them a “hand-up”.

12 years later, I am happy to share that Karen is CANCER FREE!! Her sweet smile and sense of humor remains in intact. She is still needing dental implant surgeries, as well as a hip replacement, after a fall during a seizure. Summer 2023, she will be eating steak and walking without assistance.

Meeting Karen may have been a coincidence, but our friendship has allowed me the privilege of a new perspective, as well as the motivation and opportunity to work towards making a difference in the lives of other women. This isn’t a new story, but it is one that Betty and I, and now many others, feel passionate about. Our mission is simple…fill a purse, with items from our “Wish List”, drop off at one of our donation drop off locations.

Help us continue: “Giving Hope….. One Purse at a Time”!


Please Join Us…Together, we can make a difference.


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13th Annual Campaign November 12 – December 2, 2024
“Giving HOPE…. One Purse at a Time”