TOGETHER, we Gathered, Sorted, Filled and Gifted 2,314 Purses of Hope, to Women in Calgary and surrounding areas. Many THANKS for helping make our 13th Anniversary Campaign our Best year ever!
“Giving HOPE..One Purse at a Time”
Betty Wasyluk and Judy Anderson – Co-Founders Purses of Hope
Get Involved
There are many ways that you can become involved with Purses of Hope. Our purses are donated and filled through donations large and small. We rely upon the kindness of many and the generosity that is so evident in our city. Our sponsors provide assistance in many ways that ensures each purse is filled with the items from our “Wish List”.
We are thankful for our sponsors who partner with us. It may be monetary support, products to fill the purses, drop-off locations, storage space, or support through engaging their staff and clients in our efforts. They also sell Judy’s Jams N’ Jellies to help us Raise Funds!!
14th Annual Campaign November 12 – December 5, 2025
“Giving HOPE…. One Purse at a Time”